Sunday, 3 April 2011


Yes, I missed BEDA day 2. I'M SORRY. I was so tired and didn't have time to post. I will make it up to you but adding an EXTRA topic to talk about tonight: the Wrock concert I went to last night. <3 <3

Alright, kids. I'll see you in a few hours.

Keep on keepin' on,

Friday, 1 April 2011

And So We Begin and Posters

So, we're starting off with, not only a late post, but a SHORT one! Woo-frikin-hoo. But, because it is not yet midnight, I still qualify for VEDA. So yeah.

I've been on edge all day. I have had a timer set on my phone for 23 hours just waiting. All during classes today, you would hear me mutter things like "8 hours and 23 minutes, oh my god" and "come on, only five minutes until we break into the next hour". What was this for, you ask? I'll tell you.

So, ten days ago, Mike Lombardo, one of my favorite people, posted a video that, in part, said that there was an ebay auction for Driftless Pony Club and the Mike Lombardo Trio poster (designed by Karen Kavett) that was signed by all the members of both bands. This was amazing luck. I had seen DPC and the MiLo trio a week before in CT at The Space but because of the sheer length of the concert, I had to leave during DPC's set and never got there autographs. So when I saw this all I think is "this is a message from god." So I promised myself I would try to get it.

Now it's today, the last day of the auction. I've been waiting all day, and since it was the 3 hour mark before the auction closed, I literally didn't do anything but check ebay. I had a high max bid and currently was the top bidder but was still nervous. It came down to the last 15 minutes, and I almost had some sort of episode. I look back on it now and...well, no. I was going to say that it was ridiculous, but to tell you the truth, i think it was completely normal fangirl behavior.

So, two minutes, still the highest bidder. One minute, still going strong. Thirty seconds. Fifteen. Ten. Five. One-wait. That wasn't the bid I put it! I bit 51 dollars, why does that say 66?

Well, it turns out that someone in the last second had bid 65 dollars in an attempt to undermine me, but the automatic bidder got it in the last second, bidding one dollar higher and making me the winner. I could have cried.

So here I am, riding the waves of victory and pure joy, post-talking to Mike Lombardo on Twitter (holyshit), being amazed at the awesome. It's a feeling I think a lot of people take for granted. When I got back from that concert those weeks ago, I told my friend that it was the best night of my life. She rolled her eyes and acted as if that was *such* a teenager thing to say, and I guess it is, but that night really was the best night of my life. But, more on that tomorrow.

Tomorrow's preview: The Space concert and why I was absent from Nerdfighteria for so long.

Hey, this blog wasn't short at all. I don't know why I wrote that.

People mentioned in this blog post:

Music I was listening too as I wrote this (this guy will also be mentioned tomorrow) :

Alright guys. Keep on keepin' on,

Thursday, 31 March 2011


So. April starts tomorrow. If you didn't know.

That means BEDA. Blog EveryDay in April. Which I will try to do.


A bit.

It will probably be a bit random in terms of blog types. I have a lot of cool ideas but not a lot of time so things will be put off.

Also, I'm sorry to say, but for BEDA the "What's Coming, Molli?" box will be suspended, as you know new things will be here everyday and each will be a surprise.

Also also, there are a ton of really really cool blogs to also read this month, two of my all-time favorite blogs being:

and ...although I don't know if she's doing BEDA. She has in the past though.

So, I'll see you tomorrow, I guess.

Keep on keepin' on,

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Facts About Molli (2)

Six new questions, with six new answers. LETS GET STARTED.

What is your favorite fruit?

Hmm... I like peaches, grapefruit, and cherries. So those.

Favorite song lyric?

"I don't wanna be a jerk but I can almost see down your shirt."

If you could go to some time and place in the past, where would you go?

WOODSTOCK. Woodstockwoodstockwoodstock.

Teddy Bears or Blankets?

Teddy bears FTW.

The majority of your books are...

Really cheesy love stories....and cookbooks...and comic books. (Dear god, so many comic books.)


I like this one called Sunshine and another that's all pomegranate-y. OH. I LIKE POMEGRANATES TOO.

So, that's all for now folks. REMEMBER: new story clip posted by Sunday.

Keep on keepin' on,

Monday, 28 March 2011

Introduction to the BunnyMonster

Dear wonderful-internet-people:



To the readers with a death wish, I will explain. I have a nemesis, you see. It's a horrible creature, with large, menacing eyes, and a tendency to eat everything in it's path. I'll link to you a picture. Click at your own risk.

Terrifying, correct?

And his the BunnyMonster.

The BunnyMonster is constantly after me...and anyone who dares to speak his name is at risk... Voldemort...

...or Captain Hook.

I'm on the run right now, I will post more when I can. Know this, dear readers:

He is everywhere.


Saturday, 26 March 2011

Poetry You Say?

I wrote this in roughly 2 minutes to meet my deadline. So it's pretty bad. Ehh, whateverrrrrrr.
Also, it maybe, eventually be a song. But, it's pretty bad. Maybe i'll work on it in the future.

Some Sorta Sign

So yeah, I see
the way you look at me.
It's kinda frightening
like fireworks, like lightening.

It may sound a little off,
but I've been know to be soft.
Looks like someones there for me,
I'm sure you will agree.

And I'm scared to go through - this time -
and I know this wont be the last line,
but I fear though this very rhyme,
that this is not some sorta sign.
Some sorta sign.

Alright. So. That's that.

Maybe I'll have a story clip posted. Maybe. But they take a long time to write, so you have to be nice. (If you don't know what a story clip is, you can look at the blog post called "The End". That's an example of one.)

Alright, beautiful. Keep on keepin' on.
-Molli <3

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Facts About Molli (1)


What is your favorite color and least favorite color?

Purple is awesome. Yellow is...just so yellow. Blah.


I love sunflowers, which is weird because I hate yellow. Go figure.

What nickname do you wish you had?

Hmm... Someone called me Moll-Doll once. I wish that caught on.


Oh, how to choose. Harry Potter is up there. I love John Green, and Anna and the French Kiss.

Favorite book character you would be most likely to date?

St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss. Yum.

So, Blogspot?

Is awesome. <3

That's enough for now. More coming soon!
Keep on keepin' on,