Wednesday 30 March 2011

Facts About Molli (2)

Six new questions, with six new answers. LETS GET STARTED.

What is your favorite fruit?

Hmm... I like peaches, grapefruit, and cherries. So those.

Favorite song lyric?

"I don't wanna be a jerk but I can almost see down your shirt."

If you could go to some time and place in the past, where would you go?

WOODSTOCK. Woodstockwoodstockwoodstock.

Teddy Bears or Blankets?

Teddy bears FTW.

The majority of your books are...

Really cheesy love stories....and cookbooks...and comic books. (Dear god, so many comic books.)


I like this one called Sunshine and another that's all pomegranate-y. OH. I LIKE POMEGRANATES TOO.

So, that's all for now folks. REMEMBER: new story clip posted by Sunday.

Keep on keepin' on,

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